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Unfortunately, we currently do not give clinics at the moment due to the Corona pandemic.

Please leave your contact details here and we will get back to you as soon as we are allowed to give clinics again.



Do you want to surf but you are not a student anymore? Then join the clinics of Aeolus! To give everyone that great surfing experience, Aeolus offers clinics to everyone.


Two-day clinics: twice a year in spring and autumn you can come and surf for a weekend. The clinic is on Saturday and Sunday from 13.00-17.00. During this clinic, we teach you the basics of windsurfing and/or help you with improving your surfing skills. These clinics are planned twice a year. For the dates keep an eye out on our website and social media channels!

Costs: 50 euro for two afternoons


Clinics on request: It's also possible to come and surf for a day. The date and time will be arranged with you in consultation with our instructors. This 4-hour clinic can be booked for beginners as well as advanced/returnee surfers. In consultation with what you would like to learn, we will find a suitable instructor.


Costs: 30 euro per person (10 euro for students) + 60 euro per instructor with a maximum of 5 clinic participants per instructor. If you have more course participants, you will need more instructors.


Do you have questions or remarks or do you want to book a clinic? Mail to:

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